Tuesday, June 5, 2007

"Big Colday" at Point Breeze

Erie Beach Park next to Point Breeze. June 5th 2007.
Gale force winds, water temp 60 degrees, air temp 50. It could have been October 5th.

MattD and Mike Chamberlain Ventured out to take the ugly elements on. While others including my self opted to wait til tomorrow's better forecast. Click on Photos to view full size image.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Steve Cooper said...

I have kitesurfed at Pleasnt Beach a few years ago when visiting family, in Buffalo. The beach is great people were surfing and the kitesurfing was way better than I ever would have dreamed. It was like the ocean but better because the water was fresh, not salty. This is a great blog, I found it on http://www.kitegrab.com/.

Steve Cooper said...

In Kiteboarding Kites
, you can learn fast, but kiting is a sport and there are many skills that must be taught and mastered. Kite control, the first step in becoming a "kiter" is to become proficient in flying a power kite.